Holistic empowerment

King Cyrus the great once said “ our differences make us stronger “ , it surely makes us stronger as we are like mirrors of one another , we see what the other is lacking , so it’s good for us but not necessarily for the individuals , a spaghetti code may achieve a level of singularity but it’s components become ragged/entropic and the programmer cannot use them well. Holistic empowerment is a project management concept I had thought about for sometime . It’s basically empowering everyone but not in the same thing ,paradoxically this empowers the whole team symmetrically . Kind of like a complicated highway system Fig 1 Fig 2 Although not cognitively appealing , these road systems empower everybody to reach their destination asymmetrically lessening the possibility of cars from arriving on the account of one another. This describes a team that has been managed but still haven't integrated smoothly , because it looks more like a spaghetti than locks of silky hair. Th...