My name is Omar Boshra Ahmed , I love coding and thinking about optimizing the various aspects of it , I tend to think about something for some time until I come up with a new insight about how it works and/or what can be done about it .
I worked on alot of personal projects specifically for android , they all had to do with problems I was interested in here is my
git profile .
I was originally a design and production engineer but decided to pursue programming as It was my passion.
At 18 I fell in love with programming , I remember the moment when my TA was explaining the Math.random() function , where I suddenly realized I can use it with String and substring inside a loop in order to create a randomly generated string with any possible length , I liked how things can get interconnected and created my first game entirely on console called Mono , which was a racing game based on the culmination of random numbers for each player .I enjoyed pouring various concepts in the same project , the game itself wasn't that entertaining but was a good start and I found myself having to think about things like the difference in the amount of space each text character takes in order to make a nice console UI :) .
I also created meal craft which was a meal planner that created the daily dish your specific body needs based on the body mass index as well as the food you have in the database .I had to think about the best way the system will fit the available foods with the specific amount of proteins , fat and carb grams like a puzzle fitting a statistic .
I also created a finance manager with future forecasts .
Then in 2017 I created a text styling library in android , where I had to think about the behaviors of android in formatting text like if I format a word with part of it bold and another highlighted , android would remove the formatting of the word so I had to persist the formatting and add the new formatting for more intuitive text formatting and auto detection of words without selection .
At one point in my life I had worked in sales and marketing where I created an app using a language that was so rare and thats of LibreOffice basic which was very hard to find documentation for , but despite that I created a task tracker with voice notifications as well as a comment builder for the agents who work at the company .
This trend shows how that I become more resourceful and dedicated to unfamiliar problems , as they take all my attention , I always try and add a spin than fits the problems more precisely .
More resourceful and dedicated to unfamiliar problems .
I am also a functional programmer and try to always adapt to changes ; I believe that most of our behavior is functional in nature .
Here are 3 diagrams describing how I work in the workplace :-

Fig 1

Fig 3
As in Fig 1 baseline priorities I always stick by and try to be consistent , however as shown in Fig 2 and Fig 3 each normal task I believe has a relative situation that its based upon , in these tasks there is an allowance to change , so I always try and fit the amount of work like a puzzle for each task based on the new contexts or situations that I face .Thus the priorities for the Normal tasks can change based on the intensity of the situation .
Let me sum up to you my workplace pros and cons :-
Pros :-
Very friendly and supportive .
More resourceful and dedicated to unfamiliar problems .
When I start to think of a solution I usually tend to think of all the possible problems with it in an attempt to resolve many problems simultaneously instead of just the conventional solution, thus my solutions are usually more novel in the long term.
I am a functional programmer , thus flexible and try to adapt to changes , including working under pressure .
I try to speak German .
I am tend towards improving my work and how I do it instead of just doing the same things everyday.
Can be a pro or con :-
I may usually take time to adapt to a new environment , come up with or understand a concept as I like to get a deeper understanding of things , but once I do, it becomes a more holistic and granulated adaptation/understanding.
Cons or what I need to work on :-
I take one problem at a time and as I get into the flow of a problem I may not listen to or even temporarily forget about information that's not related to the problem that am currently thinking about , which I think is related to ADHD .
As I always adapt and come up with new ideas , I often have consistency problems . Both this problem and the first can be alleviated if I plan my way through before engaging in a task .
Not good at mathematics. Maybe I should solve more math problems
My Hobbies :-
- Coding new Ideas , so in the repositories section of my
GitHub you can see various projects that I attempted to work on myself as a way to learn new things .
- Improving my chess , I am generally bad at chess but I always try to improve my game , here are one of the ones I won playing as white :-
- Writing abstract Poetry , I have also some artistic sense and think poetry like coding can also be fine tuned to express certain perspectives .
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