Supportive pair programming

So its been sometime since I posted anything ,as I usually do it after compiling lots of related concepts . And yeah ,this blog is for sharing my new experiences and its updates. I've written a previous post with regards to the pair programming method were there is definitely an advantage for the overall work flow. But now that I tried it in a different setting,I think I've came up with a more detailed explanation of how this can be managed in a professional work environment. See, not all developers are friends ,even if they work on the same problem ,there can definitely be an incompatability in the way of thinking , when one developer comes up with a new idea ,if the mindset of the other is cooperative and his interest lies in resolving the problem then it would be supportive but if its a confrontational or self interested attitude of who finds the better solution,then it can be a disempowering and toxic relationship . It is understandable, not everyone is conditioned...