Optimal Laptop Specs
For programming there is an idea that the device optimally needs to be like a gaming laptop or have alot of processing power , when compiling really doesn't take as much from the developer's time as coding does . For programming specially for applications that aren't games the requirements of the processor doesn't have to be so much , in fact a low end processor like an i3 10th gen can be more than enough and I would even recommend because overheating is our real enemy since if the processor overheats , no matter how fast it is , the performance will go down quickly ; when we developers tend to stay for a long time , and most of that time isn't in graphically intensive tasks. Quick access memory is equally important. So here are the main problems I think we face : - 1 - Over heating over a long period of time 2 - Slow access to memory ( internal and external) 3 - Eye pain 4 - High memory on the main disk