Coders fate

Truly we developers feel so limited by frameworks , guidelines and documentations .If we can just work in total freedom from all that,if we don't have to think about that ,we can be more free  of technicalities.People would understand that we are artists and very dedicated ones indeed. We can go through so much just to implement a concept that can be considered insignificant.We can pay a high price for our imagination .

That's why the best programming is no programming and the best code is no code .The very best, the finest ,is utterly spontaneous.Just an idea ,an imagination ,manifesting itself without much technicality.But this is how life teaches us .

Now Google is providing support for Flutter so it can be truly cross platform for both  Windows & web .

This is good news for us because ,this means that creativity will have less rules .Its not exclusively linked to a companies vision of the future.Its a free phenomena unique to each individual and cannot be communal .

Why can't IDE's just have nested lists with all the possibilities .And writing code would just be a luxury.

I look forward to seeing an IDE with artificial intelligence that can understand what the developer wants using face Id and sound ,then simply creates the app .Well maybe Iam a little optimistic on this one .Only Elon musk can work on that through neurak link maybe :D.What do I know .Iam living inside a burucratic net of concepts and semantics.


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