The ultimate discovery

Imagine if you can code without coding , type without typing,do without doing ,this is the ultimate discovery.

There is real love in coding . Its this feeling of being totally synchronized , like you're connected to a super computer that compiles in your head ,the journey starts mattering more than the results .And If Adam ate the fruit of knowledge ,you've eaten the garden.

But what's wrong then ,why sometimes do I feel tired ,used up,dragging myself like a drug addict till next day ,with low productivity.Why sometimes did I feel frustrated that nothing is going to ship in time of deadlines .Why did I get Irritated when the tester told me about a previous issue at 4:00am .Or about this old bug that really shouldn't show up after all this time.Really this is the monumental struggle a software developer faces.

So how to deal with that ,why does this happen so ferociously for us developers.It turns out we have been feeding our ego for so long ,we cannot accept losing a battle.We are too intellectual ,we think we can solve everything with our heads.But life doesn't work like that.It can't be strategized .You can't build an architecture to tackle it .It will always surprise you with new scenarios real time ,no time to map it in your head.It can never be simulated in the way you want to.The code will always change ,the bugs will always be there .

In fact we don't have to think about code ,there is no code ,there is no bug and there is no architecture, we don't have to have a strategy for coding ,it all happens by itself , and only when it happens by itself ,do we really feel like we are coding and engaged .That zen feeling where simply there is enjoyment ,even in learning , its what they call the flow state ,doesn't have to be done by us.We don't have to do anything to be good developers. We can just let life take care of us & guide us where ever it goes,we simply have to let go of this all knowing developer ,we are part of life ,not a separate entity that needs to have an idea on how to tackle it.We are like an object inside a class , imagine if you have an object that thinks it's separate from the whole program ,has its own ideas on how to live inside the program on what it should and should't do in it.Its a total disaster ,the program has to make it suffer till it realizes, its just part of it.

Like the  liber primus mysterious puzzle created by an underground group called CICADA 3301
with one encrypted message inside another .Many cryptographic programmers till now are trying to solve it since 2014.

I saw a documentary on it and in one of the puzzle clues it stated that "seeking you will find yourself" and I knew right away the goal of this puzzle, its to teach these intellectuals that life doesn't work that way ,by seeking and losing you'll eventually figure out that seeking is a bug ,and not any bug ,the greatest bug of all time  ,then and only then will you find yourself and know who you truly are in life ,if you figure everything out then what ,the game will cease to be interesting ,life has to be better than any adventurous  game.So these guys have to keep failing till they realize that the person who is trying to solve the puzzle is simply an illusion ,an ego that needs feeding.Once this has been understood the ground can be laid  out for the quantum future from the binary intellectual to the quantum irrationalist. Once you go quantum you're never binary again, you've understood life & the matrix works in your favor from now on and you can never go back ,like agent Smith when Neo entered him ,Neo was just a guru a prophet but the agent was the one who realized himself and realized that the matrix was an illusion .


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